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Combined Federal Campaign


The Legacy Flight Academy has seen a lot of growth over the past 18 months. The collaboration of ideas into a comprehensive, three-tiered system has allowed LFA to expand far beyond what was originally envisioned of reaching just a few dozen students during the summer into now reaching thousands annually.  As we continue to focus on the incredible Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen, the fact remains that the survival of our programs is 100% reliant upon the donations and financial contributions of people who believe in the importance of actively preserving this heritage.

LFA needs your help in upholding and sustaining the legacy of the heroic Tuskegee Airmen! Make your tax deductible contribution today to help us reach our goal of $332,000 during the Combined Federal Campaign. Donations from federal government employees and military personnel can be made at (five digit code: 22818; select "Friends of CFC" as agency). Additionally, everyone can support us by shopping at and select “Legacy Flight Academy” as your charity.

We cannot emphasize enough how important your contribution is to our success and the Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen.  The tuition for DVFP is only $332, while the life-changing character-development and flight training experience costs approximately $7500 per student.  Truly, it is the Legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen that matters and is worth supporting!  Please help us continue in our efforts to KNOW, LIVE, and GROW the Legacy!


To Give:

Click on the button below.  Enter:


5 digit code: 22818

Agency: Friends Of CFC

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