They rose from adversity, through Competence, Courage, Commitment and Capacity to serve America on Silver Wings and to set a standard few will transcend.
Hoover Class,
Congratulations on joining the Long Blue Line! You should be very proud of what you accomplished in earning your place in the LEGACY of many, many who have gone before you. We not only look forward to you joining us here in the illustrious "real AF," but want to make sure you hit the ground running!!
There are many dedicated groups and individuals out here ready to to ensure you have the mentorship, preparation, and encouragement you need to not merely succeed, but to excel! I urge you to take the '20 seconds right now to fill out the form to the right and to please friend me on Facebook so that I can add you to a few key groups. Also, for those of you going Rated (any career), we especially want to ensure you have all the information you need to keep you Target In Sight of getting those fresh wings!!
We look forward to hearing from you and being your wingman as you start your career. Blue skies!